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Stress Awareness Month: Tips for Educators

April brings #StressAwarenessMonth, here at Staffroom we often discuss how important taking care of ourselves is. This month, why not set some time aside to focus on how you can take a breather and focus on stress management strategies to ensure you’re ready for summer term in the craziness of the classroom? Teaching is no doubt rewarding, but it comes with its fair share of stress. Here are some down-to-earth tips for you that might help to keep that stress at bay:

1. Know Your Signs: Let's start by recognising when stress is knocking on your door. Feeling frazzled, grumpy, or simply just tired? Time to hit pause and regroup.

2. Be Kind to Yourself: Repeat after us: It's okay not to have it all figured out. Give yourself some credit, because nobody's perfect, and that's perfectly fine.

3. Draw Your Line: Boundaries, people! Make sure you've got some clear lines between work and play. Leave some space for Netflix, a trip to the gym, or just a big long cuddle with your furry friend.

4. You’re not alone: There’s no doubt if you’re feeling a bit stressed, your colleagues or friends will be too? Lean on them. Talking can be really beneficial to curbing that stress.

5. It's Okay to Seek Help: Feeling like you're drowning in stress? Don't be shy about reaching out to a professional. Here are some local to South Wales support avenues you could go down:

  • Cardiff Mind - 02920 450050

  • Mind in the Vale - 01446 730392

  • ACE - 02920 003132

  • 4 Winds - 02920 388144

  • Samaritans Cymru - 116 123

  • Swansea 24/7 Mental Health Support - Call 111 & choose option 2

So, this Stress Awareness Month let's try to put ourselves first for a change. After all, a happy, educator is the best kind of educator. You've got this!